Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Under Attack


There have been a number of newspaper articles lately highlighting increasing levels of violence and threats against medical personnel. Folks, this is not a new phenomena; we have been under attack for years, lets call it forever.  As a matter of note, I can recall three injuries I suffered requiring time off for my own recovery.

The following poem reviews a Post-anesthesia recovery I partook in seven years ago.


You tried to punch me with your fist
To do me harm,
With your Mike Tyson grip
You bruised her arm,
And sure, you "got better"
We can blame the anesthesia,
Conveniently, you won't remember
Claiming you seem to have amnesia.

But I know better
After thirty years of Nursing, 
The drugs tear down the curtains
That hide the violence and cursing,
The evil one inside of you
That you rarely let out,
People who live with you, they know 
It's not something they talk about. 

Your faithful wife stands up for you
Asking me, "Sir, are you having a bad day",
Implying that I am the aggressive one
In the midst of this violent parlay,
Where our whole intent is his safety
In this setting of saving his life,
But we're dealing with his hidden demons
And his ever-supportive wife.

Violence in the workplace
This is it folks, it isn't fun,
Potential career-ending injuries
Are the proverbial loaded gun,
Whether intentional or not
It hardly matters when harm is done,
And defensive family members
Probably helped to load that gun.


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