Saturday, January 09, 2021

Changes of Absence

Retirement brought some changes that I enjoy:

Now two years from leaving the workplace my hands have healed. All those alcohols, sanitizers and skin strippers kept my finger tips in a perpetual state of cracking and shedding. No longer am I exposed on a daily basis with all the toxic cleaning products found in hospitals. The worse stuff was the product used to strip the floors and carpets; it made me nauseated and caused my eyes to burn. On a similar topic, no longer am I continuously assaulted by the detergent perfumes off-gassing from my fellow workers clothing.

What I miss are all my work pals especially because the pandemic has truly separated us; I can't make an occasional visit to them. That's a bummer. Secondly, without working in the joint I have lost contact with all of the daily irritants that influenced my years of writing. 

Anyway, here is a silly attempt at humor:

ABS versus IBS
If you study this
Don't make a mess,
One slows the car
In a uniform way,
Whereas IBS
Can ruin your day.

Automatic Braking System (ABS)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome  (IBS)