Monday, October 14, 2019

Wish List

I like making lists, no telling why, but it probably enhanced my critical decision making over the years. As a result, I'm the type to have my favorite list of Jazz artists, all the books I've read for the past 20 years, all the addresses I have lived at, and all the cars I've owned. My own private fixation.
And sure enough, I have an ever expanding list of the favorite nurses (and persons of other departments) that I worked with over the years. The A-Team, if you will. And that's what I miss, since I changed my work status.


I wish we could have worked together longer
With you, I felt so much stronger,
When there was some kind of task that made me feel queasy
Having you as my partner, made it seem easy.

Synergy, that is the name
The best kind of partnership
When playing the game,
Plus, a mesh of fine skills
Experience and know-how,
We could accomplish anything
In the here and now.

With our many years of ICU
Each one of us, knew what to do,
Under any condition, without hesitation
But to have a partner, is the best situation,
Sharing the tasks, in the most efficient way
To insure that Joe Bob would see the light of day,
To listen to our silly jokes and laughter
Tomorrow, and hopefully, the day after.

I don’t have any doubt
We saved quite a few lives,
Events I’d rather not remember
Stored in the archives,
But knowing, you and I
Had the power and moxy,
To overcome the toughest
With spirit and epoxy.

Yep, that’s what I miss the most
Finishing the game at the goalpost,
With the ideal team mates at my side
Agreeing; that was one heck of a ride.


Oldfoolrn said...

How true. Most, if not all, of my favorite nurses and docs to work with have gone on to their great reward in the OR in the sky. It is fun to reminisce when you conveniently forget all the bad stuff and only remember the good times.

Fibril_late said...

Sho nuff, it is true. Thinking about those who have passed is tough, although I appreciate still being around to write about them. Currently I am reviewing a collection to publish, and as such, there is no convenient forgetting of the good, the bad or the ugly. Fortunately, there was a lot more good than bad.
On that note, it's wonderful to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Yes!! The teamwork. Loved the nights I got to work, saw the staffing was my most trusted friends. I knew no matter what kind of craziness happened we would be ok. Can think of a few times I would have wanted to run out the door if not for them, and I know they felt the same about me. We tried to make a point of thanking each other always after a hairy shift. I am lucky to still see some of them socially even though I am now retired.