Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'd been looking for the Underside of Nursing, 1998 archive, and at last I realize I found it! Just a few entries that year, and quite a few are funny. This one must have been inspired by some news report of a Surgery gone awry. One of those instances, where the wrong body part is removed.


Doctor, dear doctor
I thank you
That medicine sure did the trick,
The minor complaints I was suffering
Are gone, because now I am sick,
The pill that you gave for my tremors
A side effect from some other med,
Has been making my heart so irregular
Tomorrow, I just might be dead.

Doctor, dear doctor
I’m speechless
It shouldn’t have happened this way,
You cut out my tongue and my larynx
And replaced them with paper mache’,
I have a buzzer
Where I once had a voice-box
I pour dinner
Through a tube in my gut,
When all I needed
Was a simple excision,
To take out a mole on my butt.


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