Saturday, May 24, 2008

HOH - Hard of Hearing. We've all been there with the individual who can't hear a pin drop, let alone an H-bomb drop. But, what if it was you?

Cousin Vinnie

I haven't heard a thing in 34 years
Everyone is giving me lip,
Yelling at me like I'm a crazy person
I tell them to just get a grip,
Because what is the point of the yelling
It's obvious I'm as deaf as an adder,
In a way, it's all kind of humorous
To watch them get madder and madder.

Of course, some of the time I get irritated
Some people are dumber than dirt,
It appears that they think that a deaf person
Has lost the capacity to hurt,
They don't think that I know what they're saying
With their wise-cracks, as they exit the room,
Little do they know, my cousin Vinnie
Will blow up their car, Ba-da-boom!


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