Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I speak for myself, but perhaps others have similar impressions. Working in a critical care setting for 25 years now, I've witnessed hundreds of deaths / passings. These experiences are influenced by the persons / families associated with that patient who is dying. At the same time, our perceptions are influenced by who we are and what members of the staff, are also sharing in that death experience. It can become very disruptive and disconcerting, or it can be a time of peace and healing. It may be tragic or revelatory, horrific or ordinary. But as long as we remain human and compassionate, each death will be unique and worthy of respect.

See the Angels

"If only we could see the angels taking her away"
I heard those very words, when I was present the other day,
When that good woman died, at the end of her shortened life
She'd been a loving mother, she'd been a wonderful wife.

I can't say that I knew her
We had the briefest of introductions,
I can say that I cared for her
Because those were my instructions,
And during those few hours of care
Her spirit, I came to know,
Such that I can tell you truthfully
I felt her spirit go.

If only we could see the angels
Taking her away,
I didn't see them, but they were present
When she departed yesterday.


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