Monday, May 12, 2008

Here is a topic that never grows old; the incredibly sloppy handwriting of Doctors. Quite frankly, if you were to read my sloppy script, you might be of the same opinion. Maybe the greatest upcoming news, is that the health-care system is attempting to convert to computer charting, ordering, note-taking and so on: the Electronic Medical Record. So, it's probably my last chance to rail about it.

Your Writing

We've endured 25 years
Of your ineligible writing,
Frequent arguments
And frequent fighting,
Taxing your patience
Taxing mine,
Suits of malpractice
With threats of a fine.

You claim that your writing
Is easily understood,
But maybe you learned to write
In your old neighborhood,
Spray painting graffiti
On back alley walls,
Darkened parking structures
Behind shopping malls,
Gang rants and ravings
Bravado in paint,
Long before Med-school
And your status as saint.

Your beginnings are well hidden
Amidst your professional scrawl,
Hidden by your plaques and diplomas
On your office wall,
But for those of us who must decipher
Your scribbled orders and notes,
If this was a handwriting competition
You wouldn't get any votes.


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