Sunday, July 14, 2019

Talk About Sex

Nurses; men or women, it doesn't matter. Somewhere in your career, and probably more than once, a patient will start speaking with sex based innuendo's or blatant, sexual harassment, and you need to shut that down, right at that moment! You might have to come right out and talk "Assault & Battery", where speech alone constitutes (threat) Assault, and laying on of hands / touching you, is Battery (causing harm or injury).  Hopefully a firm professional rebuke will halt this behavior in its tracks.

Anyway; here was my response last year when 64 year old Joe Bob just had to know how soon he and his partner could resume sexual activity.

Talk About Sex

Those patients
Who want to fluster their Nurse,
Talk about sex in some way
To embarrass, or worse,
Is it sexual harassment?
Do we snicker, smirk or wink,
It's usually a guy
And he's talking about his dink.

The dude had an Ablation
For his Atrial Fib,
He asked, "How soon for sex?"
Then I said, ad-lib,
Well, how about a week
That should be prime,
But if you just can't wait
Sex yourself, any time.

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