Thursday, November 23, 2017


Bleeding, makes me nervous
Not my own, silly goose,
Rather, your gushing artery
It's a heck of a deuce,
Most special is the instance
Where your artery was nicked,
And nobody knows it
Thus, I do feel tricked.

If the nick is on top
That's a singular thing,
Easier to deal
With the tools that I bring,
But a notch or a gash
On the side of that vessel,
Is like crushing a bowling ball
With a mortar and pestle.

In other words, foolish
To think we can squish,
Hard enough on your artery
To fix the crack in the dish,
And taking into account
Your anticoagulation,
It's like holding a locomotive
At the Brownsville station.

Two and a half hours
We finally achieved,
Another great save
Where nobody grieved,
And even the Irishman
Shook his head in wonder,
Stating, "I even used Ultrasound"
To avoid this blunder.

There is nothing to blame
We all do our best,
Though holding pressure that long
It was certainly a test.


Oldfoolrn said...

Application of digital pressure on a bleeding artery always reminded me of the Hans Brinker tale when he saved the town from certain flooding by ram- rodding his finger in the leaking dike. Incidentally, Hans put his digital occlusive skills to good use-he became a physician.

My smart alecky foolishness got me in big trouble once when I made fun of a fellow nurse applying finger pressure to a femoral artery. "You look just like that little Dutch girl with her finger in the dike," I said without thinking. Karma can be brutal and I paid dearly for that one!

Fibril_late said...

Oh yes, you naughty girl, you deserved whatever you got..............