Saturday, November 18, 2017

A day in our hidey hole

Just another average, no crisis day.

Pool of Anxiety

What about today?
Half fussy, half cool,
I never know what attitude
Is floating in their pool,
Could be deep anxiety
Regarding the unknown,
Or they're simply ticked off
Without service on their phone.

I always admire
The visitor in the chair,
If they talk to patient Billy Bob
Instead of the vacant stare,
Focused on their smartphone
Although, how smart is that?
Creating no thoughts of their own
No sharper than fat.

Three admissions and departures
In the first three hours,
Thank goodness I'm endowed
With a couple super powers,
Then later on the same
Like a movie shown twice,
The evening ones are fussier
Demand to leave, not so nice.

We threaten with drama
"Well, you know, you might bleed,
Then, you would have to stay longer
Because safety is our creed,
So, just calm yourself down
And thank that lucky star,
Dude, we fixed your A.Fib
With nary a scar".

Over and over
Day in and day out,
This is what we do
Without a whimper or shout,
Sure, we do complain
Occasional and easy,
But we do the kind of stuff
That makes lots of folks queasy.

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