Friday, January 02, 2009

In our region, there are many families that originate from the Russian territories. These are hardy people. They go many miles and many years, until suddenly one of their major organs fails. Once they've been admitted to the hospital, they often seem to be at death's door, because in truth, they have advanced Heart disease, Hypertension and Diabetes. More often than not, the family didn't "know" about it. And since this is America, surely we have an instant cure..............

Uncle Faddi

The Russians are a hardy bunch
If they take their vodka
With every lunch,
They live long lives
Then collapse without warning,
Whilst 47 close relatives
Go into mourning.

The survivors are dumfounded
They lack understanding,
But they want complete life-support
Yes, they are demanding,
The full mondo treatment
For Great-uncle Faddi,
It's hard to explain to them
He just needs a new body.


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