Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Chemicals: What's Not To Like

I'll get it out in the open; I am pro-vaccine. I'm pretty sure the one's I have had (and will have) offer me a healthier and better life. I won't argue differing opinions......I'm not in charge of you. But still, I can write whatever the heck I want. 

Chemicals: What Not To Like?

One of the complaints of some anti-vaxxers
They don't want to put some "unknown" chemical in their veins,
All the while the chemicals eaten, wiped on skin and soaped
Are insidiously rotting their brains, 
These are the folks who don't bother to read labels
Or study a chemical database regarding what they consume,
Brother, an MrNA vaccine is far simpler
Than most of the chemicals in your bathroom. 

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