Thursday, March 21, 2019


When I worked at the University hospital 88 - 2001, our Cardiac Unit was named CCU (Coronary Care Unit). The 1990's were the years, when the liquid diarrhea's that we now associate with C. Difficele, began to proliferate. The ICU's were becoming a stinky mess, and historically clean Cardiac Units, were not spared.

The Writing on the Wall

I'm really getting tired
Of all this crap I'm cleaning,
It's really not an issue
That the task is so demeaning,
It's more, the risk of splashes
When I clean those potty pans,
While my nostrils scream in agony
And I beg for scented fans.

I'm getting the impression
That something bad occurred,
I've read the writing on the wall
While no one speaks a word,
A change in nomenclature
A shitty point of view,
Chronic Crap, not Cardiac Care
A new meaning for C.C.U.


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