Monday, November 05, 2018

Warm Blanket

Planting a Seed

I changed my mind
Withdrew my prior writing,
I had a good run
No need to be indicting,
We work in a tough business
Life, death and worse,
No need to be remembered
As the disgruntled Nurse.

Work is damn stressful
Till we rise above it all,
Do what we do best
And answer the call,
To comfort those in pain
Some are worried and more,
It might be their own loved one
Or their own, gruesome score.

Expertise is important
So also, is a warm blanket,
Like that Model T Ford
Won't run unless you crank it,
And so does our care
Meet the want where it is needed,
Should we all work together
Our best results are exceeded.

Sure, there are times
When we protest for change,
It is difficult for a system
To work outside a range,
That has been predetermined
Not in a democratic way,
Inhibiting improvement
It won't happen in a day.

In the meantime we care
For those with greater need,
Helping brother and sister;
Is but planting a seed.


Oldfoolrn said...

If a nurse from my era encountered an EGK rhythm they could not interpret a strip was run. The strip was plastered to the progress notes without comment.
This worked great until a covering supervisor posted an arterial line waveform and thought it was an EKG tracing. Ignorance and arrogance at it's best.

Fibril_late said...

Yup; the old days.......which I sorta remember.
Anyway, I removed the whole dismal editorial, and wrote something a bit more inspiring.