Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Bad Investment Part I

Bad Investment

What a classic case
Of non-compliance,
Disguised as defiance,
Anxious, stressed out
About the whole crazy scene,
When his girlfriend came to visit
She brought amphetamine.

Two days pre-op
Aortic valve repair,
This surgeon will cut anyone
That seems to be moving air,
Active drug user?
Sure, that's OK,
Used drugs while in the hospital?
Hope ya had a nice day.

Lives in the bushes by the river
Ya, he's a great candidate,
Cut him open tomorrow
There's no reason to wait,
Are we worried about follow-up?
Well, just a little bit,
He promises to take his medicines
Each time he takes a hit,
With amphetamine, marijuana
And cigarette smoking,
Does this doctor have ethics?
Come on, you must be joking.

He says, I am a surgeon
And that's what I do,
He offered a two week tuneup
Before he cut on you,
Saying that is enough for
A good surgical choice,
No one wants to argue
When he raises his voice.

Some might say
Well, who am I to judge,
That I don't like this doctor
And perhaps I hold a grudge,
But this is public medicine
And all of us are paying,
Take care, this is an investment
That's all that I'm saying.

1 comment:

Oldfoolrn said...

The surgeon offered a tune up, but I betcha he blows his engine!