Thursday, February 22, 2007

Here is an oddball rhyme that I didn't write. A colleague comments about their aged, female poodle and her stinky habits. Actually, if you will read a couple of days back, this certainly falls into line with the topic of Nursing Research.

"Case Study: Canine Sexual Deprivation Resulting in a Perverse Desire to Consume Bananas and the Effects on Owners of Said Dog":

You know the virgin sturgeon
The Virgin Mary too,
Now may I introduce to you
The virgin Suki-poo?

Some have expensive toys
Or discount fantasy,
But Suki states (naively)
"Bananas are for me".

Bananas have a friendly
Compliant sort of way,
They're always firm and ready
For Suk's indulgent day.

With teeth now old, but eager
She masticates the pulp,
It forms a little bolus
She swallows in a gulp.

But gone is not forgotten
The fruit did not depart,
At six o'clock that evening
It comes back as a fart.

This precious Virgin doggie
Groomed, trimmed, and spayed, so fair,
Enjoys her sweet revenge
As she permeates the air.

And so, ye doggie owners
Take warning from this tale,
Leave those ovaries intact
And get yourself a male.

K.B., RN

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