Monday, September 30, 2019

Injection inspection

It isn't often one reads about medication errors offsite of the hospital, where the usual blame is forced upon a distracted nurse. Here is a recent event at a High School, where students were to receive a TB skin test, but sixteen of them, received SQ Insulin instead.

Lock, Stock and Peril

Oops, you got Insulin
For your TB skin test,
To the hospital you went
You must be impressed,
With our professional promise
Regarding safety and health,
Call it our Student Special
Injected with stealth.

Luckily, not one of you
Suffered anaphylaxis,
That would have looked bad
On next year's taxes,
We might have been sued
For every lock, stock and barrel,
Sixteen students got Insulin
With no warning of peril.

"Severe anaphylactic reaction to human insulin in a diabetic patient"

1 comment:

Nursing Schools in Houston said...

I wonder what is happening right now. But the world of education needs to be more honest in conveying all information that is factual.