Thursday, January 17, 2019

Two weeks P.R.

Yep, two weeks post-retirement. My stress-o-meter has gone from an 88.2, down to about 23. That's right, even everyday life has some ongoing stuff to deal with. But now, everyday is generally relaxed and it feels like this:

The stress is gone
I don't feel frantic,
I feel like I'm floating
In the south Atlantic,
All that chaos and drama
And the overly specific,
Now I'm a piece of coral
In the south Pacific.


jono said...

I am not all that stressed out at the moment, but that poem lowers it another notch. Thanks!

Oldfoolrn said...

The first thing I noticed when retirement time came was how blue the sky was. Working in the OR had severed my connection to the outside world. The harder you had to work-the more peaceful your retirement.