Thursday, October 04, 2018

Don't try to sue me

Gotta do something when I retire.

Don't Try to Sue Me

Here's a plan
When I retire,
Publish those books
And set the world on fire,
With all my funnies
And juvenile humor,
Silly as vomit
And bold as a tumor.

Amazing insights
Regarding amputations,
Ridiculous rhymes
And ambiguations,
Touching stories
Regarding life and death,
Spirits in the closet
And the Grim Reaper's breath.

There is a lot to cover
And I think I did,
I worked like a man
And thought like a kid,
Did my best to respect
Joe Bob and his cousins,
See, they looked kind of inbred
With children by the dozens.

There was Billy Bob Borko
And sweet Betty Lou,
Sister Euphemia
To name just a few,
Of the colorful characters
Whose paths I have crossed,
Most of them winners
Although a few of them lost.

I followed most guidelines
But stretched a few rules,
Some protocols, dear reader
Have been written by fools,
Who rarely endeavored
Into the milieu of reality,
Where the evidence of poor science
Might lead to fatality.

Am I an expert?
I don't claim to be,
But I do write with clarity
Regarding things that I see,
Armed with continuous
Ongoing education,
Regarding areas of interest
To support my reputation.

If I can be an inspiration
Let it be known, that I cared,
Regarding expertise
And the knowledge that I shared,
And always willing to work hard
In any kind of conditions,
Admirable traits
Outside of personal ambitions.

Well, I will keep writing
About the usual baloney,
The whackified truth
Not fake and not phony,
And yes, I hide names
So don't try to sue me,
Take your business elsewhere
And stop acting gloomy.

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