Thursday, March 01, 2018

Doing Nothing, May be Harmful to His Health

When you hear my story
Will you sing?,
Probably not
When you hear what I bring

The patient was having
A cardiac discovery,
To determine his worthiness
For Renal recovery,
Clearance for a transplant
Good news on his vessels,
No significant disease
Bless his pestles

But lo and behold.
He was a sweet old guy
Blood sugar one thousand
My, oh my,
Did the doctor care?
Not one, hot wit,
He said, "Well, he came in that way"
What of it?

No orders at all
We had to scramble and fuss,
This was not a patient
Not for us,
Because he would require
An insulin drip,
Was he HHNK
Or a DKA crip?

Well, you just can't beat it
The Doc said, "just send him home",
After groin recovery
And magical foam,
Because this is how he came
To the hospital today,
So, that's how it is
Good luck, be on your way.

By good fortune, we pushed
By complaint and demand,
Admit this sweet patient
Because we don't understand,
How the Doctor could sing
Such a lameass song,
Send Joe-Bob home
Back where he belongs.

Embarrassing it is
And negligent too,
Clearly unethical
Old, you-know-who,
Won't get our referrals
Nor a slap on the wrist,
He brings in good revenue
And that's why we're pissed.

He won't be reprimanded
He'll just roll with the punches,
No one wants to work with him
Not a minute, or in bunches,
His peripheral interventions
Run for hours and hours,
While other doctors, get it done
And head to the showers.

He is certainly a legend
In his own mind,
But we hate those recoveries
They bleed till we're blind,
Overdosed on IV heparin
And Brilinta, super power,
Where prolonged hemostasis
Ain't achieved for an hour.

Today, we saved a life
A severe Diabetic,
The fact his doctor did nothing
Well, that is pathetic.

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