Thursday, June 29, 2017


Sometimes I really take things literally.........

Smokefree vs. Free Smoke

Message on display
At the entrance of our Clinic,
Prompted reflection
(I'm a natural born cynic).

Firearms prohibited
Latex in use,
Smoke free environment;
Weird terms of abuse.

I mean, who can argue
About smoking, if it's free,
A heck of an invitation
At a hospital, whoopee!,
And regarding the latex
That's a turn-on for some folks,
A lot of smirking and giggling
With off-color jokes.

Firearms prohibited
That's easy to understand,
If your arm is on fire
I shouldn't shake your hand,
While considering the risk
Of spreading that fire,
In the presence of Oxygen
It could ruin my attire.

What kind of a hospital
Offers these kind of features?
I guess I'm truly blessed
To be a member of these creatures,
If you're possibly interested
Please submit an application,
Smoking is free, no burning arms
Latex in's a heckuva vacation!


Oldfoolrn said...

Old time hospitals had goofy signage too. The ER entrance had an overhead admonishment; "AMBULANCE CASES ONLY." Where can you find a case large enough to hold a motor vehicle?

Fibril_late said...

Like those Giant Yard Sale's.........I don't go cuz I'm afraid of giants.