Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What We Are

I was having a conversation with someone, regarding what we do or don’t talk about with our loved ones. If we are hooked up with someone who also has a healthcare background, then our conversations might be on some common ground. When that is not the case, usually we seek out someone else in our own field of expertise, to be a sounding board for those experiences we’ve had, so we can de-stress and unload.

What We Are

My best friends
Are few and far between,
The most of them
Have experienced what I've seen,
We are Nurses and Paramedics
Soldiers and Doctors,
We learned many things in training
Then, experiences were our Proctors.

What we are
Is something tactile and moist,
Bodily fluids leaking
Jaws of life, or a body-hoist,
Being there in the midst of it
There’s no way, to just fake it,
With stress disorders on the rise
Grab something and break it!

Ah, the thrill of that gesture.....
What a power inside,
Many people can't see it
Because their spirits have died,
And the spoils of war
Go to those who remain,
We are the front-line insurgents
With experience lodged in our brain.


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