Sunday, December 20, 2009

I don't usually go 3 weeks without a writing, and especially at Christmas. A bunch of stuff was going on at home to arrange a big trip overseas, is what I will say was the cause. Anyway,

We're almost about to groove over into the "new tower". I expect it will supply me with an abundance of inspiration over the early part of year 2010, as we settle in. We will be taking on the Surgical Service ICU patients, so that will be interesting, as we have only had to do that "cut and sew" recovery stuff, only once in a while. So, apparently, you can still teach an old dog (and his extended family) some new tricks, after all.

Now, on the virtual cusp of the ribbon cutting, the final Health Dept. licensing and so on, here is my latest endeavor, regarding the new Tower:

A Whizz, Is What It Is

It's a brand-new tower
With carpeted floors,
A closet for the Nurses
And locks on the doors,
Spacious waiting rooms deluxe
For John Q. Public and his crew,
Who gape with wonder and amazement
'Cause all the furniture is new.

There are a couple more bathrooms
With a mirror for viewing,
As I stand there and pee
I can watch what I'm doing,
Now, if that ain't modern progress
Just tell me what is?
Could there be a hidden camera
To record what I whizz?

The kitchen is tiny
The Nurse's break room is small,
It's cleverly hidden
Somewhere down the hall,
The Doctors have two rooms
And larger, of course,
Though we do all the lifting
They have all the force.

It’s a wonderful new building
A new system to boot,
Sister Euphemia is dancing
In a her new tower suit,
Each time she clicks her heels
The cash register is ringing,
While the angels on high
Harmonize their singing;
Hosanna, hosanna
Let’s open this new banana,
Break out the new Chapel
And the rose garden cabana,
While the CEO, (that good boy)
Is serving up the tea,
Hosanna, on my new tower
Catherine McAuley, set us free!


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