Friday, August 28, 2009

Maybe you know someone who gets a "bee in their bonnet" regarding some affront to them, whereupon the offended one has to "share" their misery, with anyone within earshot.
I say, get over it dude, or prepare to meet Mr. Hammer.

Mr. Hammer

When she gets a bee in her bonnet
She won’t take off her hat,
I just stand back and watch,
And wonder, what’s up with that?
She starts to holler and screech
With moaning, all about,
"Just remove the damn hat"
I am tempted to shout!

It’s some ownership thing
This pain that she earned,
I can’t take it away
Or I will get burned,
By the heat of her anger
Regarding the bee in her bonnet,
But I have a solution
I’ll slam my hammer upon it.


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