Monday, May 04, 2009

It has been a quiet stretch. Work has overwhelmed me with writable dilemma's; however, it took a walk through academia to spark my muse.

*Look, I don't make up sentences like the following.........I leave it to my peers - read within the brackets: (I only respond in rhyme)

["In consideration of our current shortage of nurses and consequent heavy workloads, we cannot afford to adopt new practices, unless they are evidence based"]
and furthermore,
["Evidence-based guidelines can serve as a catalyst for knowledge translation to the clinical arena"].

Come-on, what the FUBAR, are these bumps talking about regarding "knowledge translation", huh? Just think a while on it......

Evidenced Based

Evidenced based
HooRah, HooRay,
Do what the experts say
Tomorrow, today,
They are the ones
Who decide what we do,
But I don't really know them
Any better than you.

Quality control
Based on the best,
They said, they did more than
One thousand plus test,
Who am I to question
I'm just the nurse,
If it screws up, what then?
Of course, I bear the curse!

Evidenced based?
They didn't ask me, not ever,
Perhaps, 25 years
Was not enough to say I'm clever,
After all, I'm not a researcher
I don't have the degrees,
I'm just an AA, RN
Gesundheit! Did you sneeze?

Evidenced based?
It carries some meaning,
Although, I am not sure
Just exactly who they're screening,
The Nurse, or the patient
It's not terribly clear,
I guess, I will know
If I'm fired some year.


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