Friday, March 09, 2007

Who would think 12 years ago, that we'd now be viewing a television reality-show, covering the life and slices of a young, rich, Beverly Hills Plastic surgeon (and all the customized men and women plopping down the big bux for a new shape or look)?!?

My Belly Button

I am currently recovering;
I had my belly-button moved,
I never liked the way
It puckered and it grooved,
I began to think about
The way my ears are tweaked,
And how I hate my natural nose
Because it's sort of beaked.

I called the Plastic Surgeon
And he offered me a deal,
So the next time that you see me
I'll have some sex appeal;
Isn't it great, we have the chance
To change the way we appear,
Because life would be so boring
If we looked the same each year.

Fibril_late; 12/95

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