Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Another ancient, unpublished one. The topic (death) is always a current issue, and how our industry and society deal with it.

Little Room for Hope

He suffered very long
From a well known rare disease
As he lay so still for many weeks and weeks,
There was little room for hope
And his family couldn’t cope
As his life ebbed slowly from a hundred leaks,
He had fifty different doctors
With a thousand interventions
Yet they couldn’t tame the nature of the beast,
His family suffered silently
To the depths of dark depression
Till their loved one packed his bags and headed east.

Now I know I’m very certain
That when it’s time to close the curtain
I wouldn’t want heroic measures for my mother,
Thus, the moral of this story
Is we gotta look at death
As a transition from just one place to another.


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