Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Here I take a look at the tragedy of unwanted, preventable pregnancy, in the setting of premature delivery of an infant with enormous developmental deformities. I don't seek an argument with "pro-lifers", but merely report my observations of tragic suffering, that might have been avoided with some kind of birth control.

Some Moral Attention

How many unwanted infants
Born to unprepared mothers,
Arriving on earth, often early
They may never compare with the others.

So often crippled, I wonder
About the mercy, of an all loving God,
Was he so busy; he released this young soul
With hardly a wink or a nod.

And now with our ever increasing
Methods of medical technology,
We can prolong their suffering forever
It surpasses any sense of theology.

In the midst of this profound dilemma
We must acquire, some moral attention,
It's unethical to allow all this suffering
When there are so many means of prevention.

FIbril_late; 2/94

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