Sunday, April 05, 2009

The doorway into the infinite, ya, just another name for room 2988. Sister Euphemia, thinks differently:

Paradise Portal

Two men died
In the course of 8 hours,
They had a destination
Beyond our paltry powers,
To maintain the slightest grip
On the leash that held their souls,
Poised at the edge of eternity
We held the minor player roles.

Both of these final exits
Shared the same departure room,
Notoriously superstitious
A Nurse will claim, a vibe of doom,
A mysterious lurking power
Inhabits room eighty-eight,
They want to call the hospital Shaman
To exorcise, this psychic gate.

Sister Euphemia, holds a different opinion
More positive, in the heavenly light,
We all must depart this earthly plane
And let our souls take their ultimate flight,
This hospital, offers a timeless service
A pathway, for departure immortal,
"We invite you to visit, our V.I.P. suite;
Sister Euphemia's Paradise Portal".


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