Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Price versus Advice

More nuggets of information, from the symposium. If Joe Bob can drop a kilogram of weight (2.2 lb)
this may lower his Systolic BP, by an average of 5 mm of mercury. This alone, can be an organ saver.
But, there is the topic of compliance, isn't there?

If you drop your weight
By one kilogram,
2.2 pounds
It will be favorable, M'am,
To bring your systolic
Down five millimeters,
That might save you a kidney
Unless you're one of those cheaters,
That puts the weight back on
After you leave the Clinic,
You loved all that praise
But you're just a cynic,
Not believing a bit
About all that good advice,
You don't worry about pounds
You only ask about the price.


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