Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Unwind the Action

When I come home
How do I unwind?
It started with the bike ride
The best of its kind,
The distance is short
The time is relief,
To unload all the garbage
The joy and the grief.

When I get home
Sometimes I must write,
With a short glass, a beverage
At the end of the night,
Although the bike ride unloaded
The terror and tension,
There is more that needs venting
Not all honorable mention.

Those things that are stewing
Beneath my facade,
Details and actions that
Might be outlawed,
If anyone cared
More than the corporate hoot,
That's what I'm carrying
On the bottom of my boot.

Do my words have power?
I'm not certain and don't be tricked,
But should I remain silent
I consider myself derelict.

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