Friday, September 01, 2017


Bullying / Hazing, is still happening in our industry. I was subject to it just last year, when I started another job. The other nurses at that place said stuff like, "Oh ya, Betty Lou is always rude like that". I thanked my lucky stars when that bully nurse left the department soon afterward. DISCLAIMER: This poem presents a radical, dark solution to the problem. In other words, my own cynical views.

I was subject to bullying
Numerous times,
As a youngster suffering
Those childhood crimes,
And a few distinct instances
In my Nursing career,
Why it persists to continue
Is not really clear.

The bully has a weakness
Somewhere deep inside,
They will never admit
That it's under their hide,
They might raise their voice in anger
They may threaten or yell,
Reprimand or ridicule
Till your job is a holy Hell.

You might want to quit
But that's giving in,
You can't escape the problem
This original sin,
It is better to stay
And get retaliation,
Become smarter and tougher
And then perform eradication.

There are various ways to do this
Yes, books have been written,
Subtle ways of harrassment
So the subject feels bitten,
A little this and that
To dismantle their career,
So, when they look in the mirror
They will see a face of fear.

Yes, life is a battle
From the day you were hatched,
It's time to show the bullies
They are hopelessly overmatched.

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