Monday, February 20, 2017

Protege 2

Here is the sick and twisted sequel to the original "Protege" (December, 2016). This story is pure fiction, but would make for a great hospital whodunit.

Oh protege
Look what you did,
You killed that guy
And then you hid,
But worry not
Listen to your mentor,
When the blame is cast
I will be the dissenter.

I will show you how
To make them look,
Somewhere else
In another book,
To obscure the trail
Of evidence and blame,
This is not the time
To ruin your fame.

Now, there is a pittance
A fee to pay,
So your good reputation
Doesn't fade away,
So early on
In your distinguished career,
Just pay it once
At the beginning of each year.

You won't tell
And neither will I,
What caused Billy Bob
To die,
It seemed natural enough
And it was kind of expected,
But, going out of the window
As if ejected?
That was a tough sell
And you gotta be thankful,
So, pay your fee each year
To keep my bank full.

Oh protege
I knew at the start,
He's the cream of the crop
Clever and smart,
With career potential
Clearly off the charts,
And if you do as I say
You'll be the Master of Arts.

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