Thursday, March 04, 2010

I've written about good and bad doctors. Fortunately, most are good characters, both personally and professionally. Here is my latest story:

He Rules The Roost

Dr. Murphy.......
He still rules the roost,
I think, our move to the new unit
Has given him a boost,
He arrives in the morning
By the crack of oh-seven,
Like he just dropped in
From his corner of heaven.

He regales the nursing staff
With his plans and his dreams,
He encourages the patients
Despite their moans and their screams,
In his spotless white coat
And his tidy, trimmed hair,
Why, no one has the nerve
To occupy his chair.

We all leap, jump and scramble
When he utters a suggestion,
He won't harbor fools
If you respond with a question,
And, pre-gather all your data
And pertinent facts,
If you can't be concise
Baby, you'll get the axe.

He's a good natured sort
And his humor is bent,
But don't tarry or lag
Because his time is well spent,
Not to be frittered or frattered
On frivolous fluff,
He may humor you for a moment
But enough, is enough.

Dr. Murphy...............
He still runs this joint,
If he ever departs
Who will we anoint?


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