Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Over at Sister-central, we are in the midst of adopting the grand-all-boomerang of the EMR; ya, that's the electronic medical record. There is a hierarchy of Trainer, Super-user and End-user participants to cover everybody and their brother, within the great big family. I decided to be a Super-user, because I figured I could get more hands on training that way, and additionally, I'd get to boss around a few other people. Little does upper-management know, that I am a stupid-user in disguise.
Now yesterday, about 200 hundred of us Super-users all got together, and had some education-expert talk at us for 7.5 hours. At the end of that harangue, I realized I had a new title:

Stupor User

They call him the stupor user
He sleeps through every event,
Some think, that he’s a loser
They’re curious of his intent,
The stupor man replies
I learn best when I’m half asleep,
I suggest that everyone try it
You’ll find that your learning is deep.


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