Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Families! Ya gotta love their screwiness, right? Bring the old man to the hospital because he's short of breath, or having the heart attack, and then begin to refuse treatments on the grounds that we don't want this or that!
Duh! Why go to the hospital in the first place?!?


They bring Grandpa to the hospital
Wanting everything done,
Then refuse the treatments ordered
Every hour, one by one.

Grandpa hates the breathing treatment
He'd rather have a smoke,
He doesn't like the Foley catheter
He's a manly kind of bloke,
And if you keep his hands and feet tied
Surely, he will shout,
And we agree with dear old Grandpa
Take those IV's out.

We don't want that Insulin therapy
It doesn't sound much fun,
But I once again remind you
We want every damn-thing done!


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