Monday, December 18, 2006

This one was written by another nurse friend. It looks at the often, snooty way that doctors talk down to us nurse-peons. Oh, how good it feels to turn it back on them.

Bluer Than Blue

The Doctor’s looked up
And one of them sighed,
As the Code-team ran in
To see who had died,
But the patient was sitting
In the chair as he fed,
His leads in one hand
Quite clearly, not dead,
He said, “I am sorry
I turned off the alarm,
The cords wouldn’t reach
And I thought it no harm”.

Yes, the Code I had called
Was bluer than blue,
And I hate to admit it
But I wish it were you,
I stood there embarrassed
As the Doctor just sat,
He said, “Don’t you know sinus rhythm
From a rhythm that’s flat,
Would it help if I drew
Some P-waves and such,
To show you the difference
Or would that be too much”?
And he laid it on thicker
Through each smile and smirk,
I already felt
Like a number one jerk.

I can not remember
The last words that he said,
Because the patient slumped over
And looked very dead,
Not a breath, not a pulse
So I gave a quick shock,
As he came back to life
I just looked at the Doc,
I gave him a smile
And nodded my head,
Then I winked at the Doctor
“Intuition”, I said.

Steve H./ 4/'95

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