Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sure, I talk about moral and ethical behavior a lot, but which one of us outraged citizens, doesn't at one time or another, silently thank the gang members for shooting each other? They are saving the taxpayers money and cleaning up the streets, in their own convoluted way.

A Public Service

The hospital scene
Can be a dangerous place,
We have our suspicions
About any new face.

A miniature city
Is enclosed in these walls,
While the violent local populace
Are found roaming our halls.

So, a panel has been formed
For safety and protection,
Soon visitors will submit
To firearm inspection.

If they can guarantee their bullets
Are not employee bound,
We'll let them have a hall pass
And a single, chambered round.

They do a public service
By thinning out the ranks,
Of the gang war rival factions
And they deserve our thanks.

Fibril_late; 1/94

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